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Znamensky Cathedral

The history of Znamensky Cathedral finds its roots in the first half of 17th century when an a small wooden chapel was first erected at the site of the current Cathedral.

The old wooden chapel was replaced with the construction of a stone church which began on September 1st, 1768. The church’s previous name was given in honor of Mary the Mother of God and her icon within the church. The building was dedicated only 33 years later in 1801. The church’s first stone building was painted white and consisted of a main chapel, a bell tower, a refectory and a porch. After the Revolution of 1917, the cathedral was used as a transit prison, but in the period between 1933 and 1941, the church was returned to the diocese. With the beginning of World War II, however, it was once again taken over and used to house dislocated army forces. Finally the cathedral was returned to the eparchy. On June 19th, 1994 the clergy held a liturgical service for the first time in many years. Today Znamensky Cathedral is a functioning church and one of the most wonderful symbols of Tyumen.

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