Visa Invitation Request
1. Choose or type your country
2. If you need a visa then proceed to the form below and fill it in, enter all the necessary information to get a tourist invitation (voucher) to Russia.
3. Pay attention that you may fill in the form for several people in one request. To do this click “Add a person” button. The amount of people is unlimited.
4. After you have finished filling a personal data, please, fill in the request form below. If you fill in the form correctly there will appear a number of vouchers you are going to request for.
5. Press “Order”.
6. Below the request form you can find a list of documents required to apply for a visa.
7. You will receive a confirmation letter. Wait for a respond or a callback from our manager to clarify details.
8. After confirmation of all the details, you will receive a letter within the payment link. You can carry out the payment with cards of Visa or MasterCard.

How to get there
1. Enter the name of the city you are coming to Tyumen from.
2. Choose a type of transport “Plane/Train”.
3. Choose a type of trip “One way/Round trip”.
4. Choose a ticket class “Economy/Comfort/Business”.
5. In the field “Departure date”, choose a date when you want to leave your city.
6. In the field “Arrival date”, choose a date when you want to arrive to Tyumen (this field in not obligatory).
7. In the field “Way back” choose a date when you want to leave Tyumen
8. Enter your information and data of those people who are coming with you. The amount of people is unlimited.
9. Fill in the request form below and press “Order”.
10. You will receive a confirmation letter. Wait for a respond or a callback from our manager to clarify details.
11. After confirmation of all the details, you will receive a letter within the payment link. You can carry out the payment with cards of Visa or MasterCard.

1. Choose an event you would like to attend (in case if you are going to Tyumen especially for some event).
2. Fill in the next fields “Arrival date” and “Departure date” in the form at the left.
3. Enter an amount of people.
4. Filters of prices and type of accommodation (Hotel, Hostel, House, Recreation Centre and Health Resort).
5. While choosing the filters you may notice the list of hotels on the right updating simultaneously. To book click the “Book” button and you will be proceeded to the inside page of the hotel.
6. Inside there will be a list of available rooms, click “Book” on any room folder you like and choose an amount of rooms needed. You may choose rooms of different categories. As soon as you choose at least one, there will appear a blue stripe on the bottom of the page with the details of your booking request.
7. When you finish choosing rooms, click on the “Book” button on a blue stripe and the website will move you to the request form. Fill it in and press “Book”.
8. You will receive a confirmation letter. Wait for a respond or a callback from our manager to clarify details.
9. After confirmation of all the details, you will receive a letter within the payment link. You can carry out the payment with cards of Visa or MasterCard.

1. Choose transfer type.
2. Enter arrival date, arrival time and number of the flight (or train), hotel, amount of the passengers and amount of luggage items.
3. Enter additional requirements.
4. Choose a transport type.
5. Fill in the request form and click “Order” button.
6. You will receive a confirmation letter about ordering a transfer. Wait for a respond or a callback from our manager to clarify details.
7. After confirmation of all the details, you will receive a letter within the payment link. You can carry out the payment with cards of Visa or MasterCard.

Guided tours’ requests
1. Go to “Guided Tours” on the main page or choose “Excursion” filter in “What to do” section.
2. Choose a tour you like.
3. Scroll down and fill in the request form below a tour description.
4. Enter your contact information, amount of people, date and language of the tour.
5. Click “Send the request”.
6. Wait for a callback from a manager to confirm all the details.
7. After confirmation of all the details, you will receive a letter within the payment link. You can carry out the payment with cards of Visa or MasterCard.

Booking of recreation centers, cottages, health resort
1. In “What to do” section you can book a room in recreation or resort centers or the whole cottages in the suburbs. This option is available in the next sections: “Recreation Centers”, “Hot Springs”, “Cottages”, “By water”, “Russian Baths”, “Health Resort”.
2. Choose an object you like.
3. Scroll down and fill in the request form below the object description.
4. Enter your contact information, amount of people, date and number of days.
5. Click “Send the request”.
6. Wait for a callback from a manager to confirm all the details.
7. After confirmation of all the details, you will receive a letter within the payment link. You can carry out the payment with cards of Visa or MasterCard.

Purchase of the tickets in the “Events” section
1. In the “Events” you can buy tickets to the sport or business events, conferences held in Tyumen. Tickets are available for chargeable events only.
2. Go to the “Events” section.
3. Choose the event you want to attend.
4. Click “Send the request”.
5. You will receive a confirmation letter. Wait for a respond or a callback from our manager to clarify details.
6. After confirmation of all the details, you will receive a letter within the payment link. You can carry out the payment with cards of Visa or MasterCard.

Payment with a credit card via Alfa-Bank
Payment goes without additional fee. The payments are proceeded by transferring money from VISA and MASTER CARD credit cards with an ability to make Internet payments provided by your bank that issued your credit card. To verify that you have such ability to proceed Internet payments, please, contact your bank.
The payment service is performed according to the Rules of International Payment Systems based on principles of privacy and security of the payment procedure. We use the most modern methods and tools of validation, encryption and data transfer via private communication channel.
Input of your credit card information is carried out on the secured bank-partner page, which has provided the service. The partner bank of LLC “West-Siberian Reservation Centre” is JS “Alfa-Bank”.
In case of denial to proceed the payment: • The credit card is not intended to perform payments in the Internet, please, contact your bank and clarify that information; • Entered credit card data is incorrect.
For the correct input, you must carefully and precisely, in the sequence of and letters enter the information exactly as it is shown on the card: • The owner of the card (usually indicated on the front side of the card in English in capital letters. For example, IVANOV IVAN); 2. Card number (usually indicated on the front side of the card and consists of 16 digits. For example: 0123 4567 8901 2345); • Card number (usually indicated on the front side of the card and consists of 16 digits. For example: 0123 4567 8901 2345); • The expiry date of the card (usually indicated on the front side of your card (month and year until which the card is valid. The validity of the card is entered by the figures. For example, 12 (to the field number of the month) and 13 (entered in the year field), which means that the card is valid until December 2013); the CVV2 or CVC2 code of the card (usually indicated on the reverse side of the card and consists of 3 digits. For example, 123). • If your credit card has expired. The validity of the card usually indicated on the front of the card (the month and year until which the card is valid). You can find out more about the card expiry date by contacting the bank that issued the card; • If you have insufficient funds for payment on the credit card. You can find out more about the availability of funds on the card by contacting the bank that issued the card; • If you have exceeded the limit of operations per day. The amount of a daily limit for all transactions is determined by the partner bank.