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The Kolokolnikovs Estate Museum

The Kolokolnikovs Estate Museum is the only remaining classical merchant's estate in Tyumen.

The building’s facade combines elements of classical and baroque architecture and traditional Siberian carving. The doors open to a luxurious, brightly lit hall with lofted ceilings and walls decorated with vivid paintings of the Kolokolnikovs’ family. One particular painting depicts an old trade shop, which is representative of the collective image of the city's shops. Stepping through the doors of the Kolokolnikovs’ Estate transports one back in time to the unique atmosphere of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The permanent exhibit of the Kolokolnikovs’ Estate Museum is called “The History of the House” and is dedicated to the history of the merchant families, such as the Ikonnikovs and the Kolokolnikovs. The exhibit will also explain the historical events that took place in this house, one of which was the monumental meeting between the future Emperor Alexander II and the great Russian poet V. Zhukovsky in 1837. In 1919 the estate was used as the headquarters of Marshal V. Blyukher. 

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