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Stray Dog Monument

On June 25th, 2010 in Tyumen the monument to a stray dog was on a voluntary basis solemnly opened. The monument is located in the center of Tyumen, Ordzhonikidze Street, opposite the Tsvetnoy Boulevard. The monument is under the video surveillance. This is because the monument has a moneybox inside. On the monument there is a sign and it says "Like a dog homeless, rootless, lonely". The citizens and guests of the city can donate money. The collected money will be used to Tyumen shelter stray dogs. In the first week, about 80 thousand rubles had been collected. And by the end of the year, the amount reached 440 thousand rubles. Every penny went exclusively to animals. They had built several additional cages, and the rest of the money went to treatment. 

Tyumen is not the only city in which there is a similar monument. Other cities and countries also have the same ones. It is worth noting, the moneybox can contain as large bills, but as coins of foreign visitors. And of course don't forget to hold the dog`s paw or rub it nose for good luck!

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