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Farewell Square

Tyumen’s central park contains a monument to the students of Tyumen who didn`t return from the Second World War.

The Farewell Monument was the idea of the students of Tyumen who graduated between the years 1941-1945 and their teacher P. Khaynovsky. It contains a statue of a young man wearing a military overcoat and holding a rifle and a girl seeing him off to war. The girl is barefooted, symbolizing the fact that the war broke out so suddenly that there was no time to prepare. Next to the pedestal is a commemorative plaque, and written on all of the surrounding pylons are the surnames of Tyumen’s fallen graduates who fought and died for their country’s freedom. Tyumen sculptor N. Raspopov and architect B. Zhuchenko worked together to create the monument, which had its grand opening in June 1991. Traditionally, every year on the 22nd of June, the veterans bring flowers to the monument to honor the memory of those who never returned from war.

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