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Mediapoligon: Tyumen-24

From 3 to 8 April Mediapoligon: Tyumen — 24 International Training Workshop in journalism will take place in Tyumen. 

15:00 - Сeremonial Оpening: 3 April, the Kosmos Youth Centre (165A, Respubliki St., Tyumen);

There were selected 300 participants in three areas: Photo, Video and Text.

16:30 - presentation by Marina Akhmedova — Russian Reporter deputy chief editor, journalist and writer, will give an open master class on Journalism and civic activism. Together with the participants she will consider the case in which the journalist is forced to move beyond his or her profession to protect the most vulnerable segments of the population; will share her own experience in the fields of zoactivism and protection of women rights, and will answer all the questions from the master class participants. 

Also the opening will be:

Sergei Sarychev, Deputy Governor of the Tyumen region;

Paul Belyavsky, Director of Department for public relations, communications and youth policy;

Vitaly Leibin, Chief Editor of the Russian Reporter  magazine.

Konstantin Milchin, Russian Reporter editor, the literary critic, will tell about the  journalist`s work features on the so-called "cultural spots". Master class participants will learn about the specificity of the cultural journalism, will know how to report topics related to theatres, museums, Philharmonic Halls and exhibitions, and will know how to write about the culture interesting and exciting.

Grigory Tarasevich, Schrodinger's cat chief editor, will tell how to write stories and to broadcast science news.

At 18:00 for participants will be organized a tour.

The result of Mediapoligon will be Tyumen-24 project. During the day, reporters will broadcast news from the city life in real time on the website 

All Russia will be able to follow the life of Tyumen on the platform

Contacts and venue

Natalya Kuznetsova, producer of Russian Reporter magazine;
Tel: +7-915-241-03-02;
Anastasia kungurova, Press Secretary of the project;
Tel: +7-922-045-35-90;


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